Here we shall laud the praise-worthy and even the not-so-praise-worthy - with style and wit, as per usual throughout TLB PRIME, and as worthiness calls for it too...! Aye! This is yet another official site member of Luminous (\ô/) Luciano ™'s
TLB Prime Network, aye! ;)
Enjoy your stay here!

Here is some *bizarre music* courtesy of our friends over at YT - laudable efforts, guys...! But still...

mercredi 8 mai 2013

B-Day = Begging Day

So then it's my birthday again - and what have I done? 
Might as well pay the piper already, beg for mercy  
and atone for my sins - going to mass!

But wait a Holy Minute here - what are they doing to me here?!? 
Are they trying to get me to memento mori 
on what should be a joyous day for me 
by scheduling a mass under the patronage of 
 a saint whose underlined link to the date 
is that she died that day...?!? 
The evidence is right here: 

Published on May 8, 2013
Prions en Eglise 
Catherine de Longpré est née le 3 mai 1632 en Normandie, France. 
A douze ans et demi, elle entre au monastère 
des Hospitalières de Bayeux où elle prend le nom de 
Catherine de Saint-Augustin. 
Ayant fait le "voeu de vivre et de mourir au Canada 
si Dieu lui ouvre la porte", 
elle arrive en 1684 à Québec où, durant vingt ans, 
elle travailla au soin des malades. 
Elle meurt le 8 mai 1668 à l'âge de trente-six ans, 
ayant manifesté durant toute sa vie une charité exemplaire. 
Elle est reconnue comme une des fondatrices 
de l'Eglise qui est au Canada.

What did I do to deserve such an omen, 
Salt & Light...?!? 

But wait another damnable minute here...
What are those dates 
that you've given to the faithful there; 
they make no sense at all! 
She was born May 3rd 1632, 
arrived in Quebec only in 1684 -
52 years later (?!?)  
where she worked for 20 years, you say 
(which would bring her to 72 years of age) 
but then she died May 8th 1668 
at the age of 36...?!?  
(Even switching numbers to 1686 doesn't add up here!)

Is that some form of bi-locality gift, 
ubiquitousness verging on time-displacement 
or are you all drunk on mass wine?!? 

I guess that,
considering this dismal account 
of historical facts,
I can see the omen attached to it, 
as far as my birthday goes, 
as null and void! 
