Here we shall laud the praise-worthy and even the not-so-praise-worthy - with style and wit, as per usual throughout TLB PRIME, and as worthiness calls for it too...! Aye! This is yet another official site member of Luminous (\ô/) Luciano ™'s
TLB Prime Network, aye! ;)
Enjoy your stay here!

Here is some *bizarre music* courtesy of our friends over at YT - laudable efforts, guys...! But still...

lundi 14 octobre 2013

As The Soul Leaves The Body...!

This is fascinating on so many levels
(aside form the obvious one - duh!) 
and to think that it comes to us from RUSSIA
(what - with love; again?!?)
--- wow! *

 ahem - got carried away there, ''cutie''...!

*... it's not the only such bit of *evidence* found online, tho...