Here we shall laud the praise-worthy and even the not-so-praise-worthy - with style and wit, as per usual throughout TLB PRIME, and as worthiness calls for it too...! Aye! This is yet another official site member of Luminous (\ô/) Luciano ™'s TLB Prime Network, aye! ;) Enjoy your stay here!
Here is some *bizarre music* courtesy of our friends over at YT - laudable efforts, guys...! But still...
mardi 25 décembre 2007
Last Year's Mistakes Are Still Fresh To The Memory, Eh?
What makes her think she can find someone "special" this year When she made such a poor judgment call just a mere 12 months ago? So people never learn... indeed!
Delight in the simple things, my friends, for only they are truly worthy of praise in this world ~ and on thislaudable blog as well! And as far as True Praise goes ~ God Knows ~ onlyGod Is Worthy of it!
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!
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