Here we shall laud the praise-worthy and even the not-so-praise-worthy - with style and wit, as per usual throughout TLB PRIME, and as worthiness calls for it too...! Aye! This is yet another official site member of Luminous (\ô/) Luciano ™'s
TLB Prime Network, aye! ;)
Enjoy your stay here!

Here is some *bizarre music* courtesy of our friends over at YT - laudable efforts, guys...! But still...

samedi 29 mai 2010

Celtic Magic...!

Orlando, Florida thugs came into Mr. Robinson's neighborhood -
Mr. Nate Robinson; a friend of Superman Rajon Rondo, fellow greats Pierce, Garnett and Allen - and they were rightfully... trounced!

Let's watch:

Bye Bye Magic -
just as it was so long Lebron
I forget who it was in the first round
for the mighty Boston Celtics!
Bravo, Celts -
Bravissimo, C's!
But in this particular greenery,
we all know that it isn't quite enough
if BANNER 18 is not added as well!


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