Kudos to Catherine for going out of her way to ferret out new and most candid interview objects: er, subjects, I mean to type (one has got to be careful what one types lest the NOT-SO-GLAAD ONES will come down on our cases with false accusations here...!) - it is laudable, most certainly (unless it wouldn't be featured here - duh!) but still...
- Valérie Beauquier wow, bravo, il y a quelques années je travaillais sur un projet documentaire qui s'intitulait: grand-maman a une blonde, J'ai fait des pieds et des mains pour trouver des femmes haut placé, aucune ne voulait parler, je parle d'il y a 8 ans de cela, très heureuse qu'enfin elles se dévoilent en 2013, je vais écouter ton émission comme toujours
Sophie Dea WoW...Bravo Catherine; j'adore les sujets qui sortent de l'ordinaire et celui-là, ce n'est pas banal. Les tabous, moins on en a et mieux on se porte!!!
TD BANK has a long history of GAY APPROVAL...
You can TRUST CANADA for such things!
Vladimir Putin doesn't lament the fact for nothing, y'know...
And THAT is WHY you won't see any Canadian babies
being adopted by Russian couples ANY TIME SOON!
But that's another story!
Is one of these two our BANKER...?
No thanks...
Only RE/MAX lesbian I could find
on a swift and merry Google search
was this one...
There are many more GAY
than there are
oddly enough!
How queer, hmm?
Wouldn't everybody rather do business
with a lesbian realtor
instead of a gay real estate agent?
Just asking...
As for the connection between sapphic ambition
and the giant of software, I'll let you ferret that one OUT all by yourselves:
just click on the logo above!
and the giant of software, I'll let you ferret that one OUT all by yourselves:
just click on the logo above!
Say it isn't so, ah... lesbo?
(Only for the rhyme here!)
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