Here we shall laud the praise-worthy and even the not-so-praise-worthy - with style and wit, as per usual throughout TLB PRIME, and as worthiness calls for it too...! Aye! This is yet another official site member of Luminous (\ô/) Luciano ™'s TLB Prime Network, aye! ;) Enjoy your stay here!
Here is some *bizarre music* courtesy of our friends over at YT - laudable efforts, guys...! But still...
A single excerpted from it that has a catchy beat, an off-the-wall video chock-full of weird and extravagant imagery, special effects galore, I tell you (just click on the link at the top of this post and you'll see...) and what an eccentric "story" to tell, too...
A hip blonde hair dye job (to go with the nose job...?)
Extravagance all-around all right...
And all that on a parallel with settling down, tying the knot, throwing caution to the wind and pronouncing those vows with the "mate apparent"...!
But mostly she appears to be finally not only bypassing that inner malaise, the accursed inferiority complex she seemed to have in relation to her prettier, perkier, peskier sister Jessica (darn, I forgot to add "much blonder too" to the short-list there...!) - but beating the tar out of the (un)fair competition as well!
Heck, she's truly surpassing her big sis now: she's just gotten married while big sis Jess is divorced, very much single and looking. Still looking. Looking desperately - if not desperate?
Ashlee - like a phoenix reborn out of its ashes(-lee?)
Agir en bonne ministre - népotisme nonobstant!
Répliquant à la demande de démission de Mario Dumont, Monique Gagnon-Tremblay affirme avoir bien agi en taisant les allégations de plaintes pour harcèlement psychologique à l'endroit de l'ex-délégué du Québec à New York.
Ahh - politics! Such a high-stake game for the hypocritical and the rich and blase!
I seem to always pick on the Quebec examples, true - but what can I say; I am closer to those sad examples geographically-speaking, so...
It is all the same everywhere else though; you know so much already!
Only differences, from spot to spot, are what is at stake; and what shape the casualties take...!
'Tis catwalking time in Toronto, city renowned for that (or desperately trying to be renowned in that field - too) and one of the Haute Couture "griffes" (i.e. labels) that is attracting the lion's share of the attention is one Aqua Di Lara! Now, the fact that this stuff is cool is not in question - for if outright mutant get-ups like those things Gaultier and other designers have their models parade in are "cool", then so is this! But is "this" digestable in any way, though...?
Semaine de la mode de Toronto : Aqua di Lara Découvrez les créations de Aqua di Lara à la Semaine de la mode de Toronto version Printemps/Été 2008 presenté par fashionWATCH.
« Glamour » pour la cause : le défilé Athêlia et Andy Thê-Anh présentent un défilé dans le cadre de la soirée « Glamour » pour la cause, un événement au profit de la Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec.
Perhaps there is truly more than meets the eye here, indeed - perhaps. Me, I tend to immediately think of an Alain Souchon song whenever I see all these zombified catwalkers parading around; and I start singing it in my head too, reciting the chorus line with gusto - "On voit le vide à travers les planches"...!
Life will go on, without Flair... The show MUST go on... And they're already setting up BIG things, see: THE GREAT KHALI VERSUS THE BIG SHOW Y2J... uh, doing something... ECW CHAMPION - KANE! The Big Red Machine! But no more Flair in there - no more "wooooooo"
Ric Flair finally retired last night (no, this is no April's Fool Joke - or rather "joke" yes; no need to capitalize here!) No joke, indeed - we know this had to happen, sooner or later All the other Horsemen are retired! So, now, Flair retired too and here is an excerpt of what I think about the way that it all came to transpire - and more (you know me; there's always MORE with me!) Read on:
36 years, 16 world championships and several incarnations of the 4 Horsemen later, Ric Flair finally delivered the speech he had meant to deliver months earlier - but I suspect someone suggested to him to go with the "career-threat from Vinnie Mac" plotline instead, at least until the alleged "grandest stage of them all" that is reputed to be Wrestlemania. And so he did. And, after playing out scenario after scenario of "narrowingly escaping with his career intact" against the likes of "Umaga" (ugh), William Regal, Mr. Kennedy and Vince McMahon (sic) himself (none of which would have EVER been deemed worthy of being "the one" to put the legendary Nature Boy Ric Flair into retirement) SLICK RIC finally did choose the opponent to whom he would "pass the torch" so to speak - Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. HBK. The guy who idolized Ric Flair and whose only true heartbreaking has always been victimizing his own heart. This is just another example of it - though an allegorical one as it truly doesn't mean a thing to whom Flair lost his final match - he just needed to be pinned for three seconds in order to call it a career; in order to be allowed to walk away from the squared circle - something several fans of his never wanted to see happen. But every other member of the Four Horsemen is GONE already (save one - Sting aka Steve Borden, and he wasn't a Horsemen long. Double J, Jeff Jarrett, was also a Horseman but, according to Arn, he "doesn't count") and so, every other member being GONE already; Flair had to ride into the sunset too. *Space Mountain* had to close down. The final farewell, the last speech, left something to be desired though. (...)
THIRTY-SIX YEARS... Man - and most of that AFTER a plane crash accident that had doctors telling him that he'd NEVER WRESTLE AGAIN...
Thirty-six years is also almost as long as I have been on this EARTH!
No wonder I am a lifelong Flair fan; as long as I have been aware of him, anyway and it it definitely possible that I was a Flair fan BEFORE I even became aware of the guy's accomplishments...!
Accomplishments that are all in the realm of make-believe and showmanship though; but that's okay since I myself am but a dream weaver, a scribesman, and, besides, NONE of our deeds, no matter WHAT WE ACCOMPLISH ON THIS PLANET AND IN THIS LIFE, will remain - what will remain, are our SOULS and their worthiness is for Someone Else to pass judgment upon...
But I am digressing again... Back to wrestling!
Now that Ric Flair is gone - we have, for a few years at the very least, Ric Drasin to turn to! "The other Ric" aka "The Equalizer" is awesome, I tell you: as much as Flair is an improved Nature Boy Buddy Rogers, Drasin is an improved Superstar Billy Graham (and no, Ric D is not to be confused with Dave Sullivan, WCW's wrestler once known as the Equalizer too - just as Superstar B.G. is not to be confused with the televangelist!) Plus, when Ric Drasin makes a film (the projected "The Midnight Bell" pitting vampires against wrestlers) it will be closer to cult classic material like masked luchadore Santo used to make - not 'Baywatch' crap as Ric Flair participated in (the highlight of which was when he told Kevin Sullivan to lay off Macho Man Randy Savage on the beach, after a sneak attack by the man Flair calls (affectionately?) "the devil"... (No, folks, that's not quite "classic fare" - not in my book...! In all fairness to Flair and all that; he wasn't a Shakespearian actor! He played the crowd well (can still do it, in a managerial role, à la Classie Freddie Blassie - if he so chooses) but that is not actual "acting"... But I digress yet again...)
I am proud to count Ric The Equalizer Drasin among my top 40 MySpace friends! Couldn't find Flair on there though; apparently, "Flair don't do MySpace"... Well, maybe he will now that he's retired...?
Flair eluded a forced retirement (forced by DEFEAT! Storyline-wise, anyway...) against the likes of Mr. Kennedy, soon-to-be crowned King of the Ring William Regal, Umaga, self-proclaimed legend-killer/reigning world heavyweight champion Randy Orton, Triple H, MVP and everyone's boss himself, Vince McMahon and handpicked the one that he would allow to put him in the retirement home/Hall of Fame - HBK Shawn Michaels.
His 36 years in the business gave him that right - at least.
Still, he was put away by a superkick to the JAW. Ugh.
Such a business that treats its longest-standing and constantly proven and performing model employees like THAT may not be the "ideal business" at all...
Nice send-off they gave "Naitch", sure... complete with chants of "thank you Ric" and clapping aplenty - but still...
McMahon is happy now: he put away WCW and now Flair too. Next up: tarnish Rey Mysterio, humiliate Paul Wight and crush every last bit of WCW's legacy and nostalgia amongst the fans the same way they are so "brilliantly" making use of old NWA/WCW footage on WWE 24/7 and Eddie Guerrero's widow on their second-rate brand, Smackdown... Oh, and abusing old WCW titles and the Cruiserweight division as well.
Again, to read more about how I feel about it, check out the Lukewarm Blog.
Delight in the simple things, my friends, for only they are truly worthy of praise in this world ~ and on thislaudable blog as well! And as far as True Praise goes ~ God Knows ~ onlyGod Is Worthy of it!
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!