Ashlee Simpson : Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya) - Remix
A CD release titled "Bittersweet Life"...
A single excerpted from it that has a catchy beat, an off-the-wall video chock-full of weird and extravagant imagery, special effects galore, I tell you (just click on the link at the top of this post and you'll see...) and what an eccentric "story" to tell, too...
A hip blonde hair dye job (to go with the nose job...?)
Extravagance all-around all right...
And all that on a parallel with settling down, tying the knot, throwing caution to the wind and pronouncing those vows with the "mate apparent"...!
But mostly she appears to be finally not only bypassing that inner malaise, the accursed inferiority complex she seemed to have in relation to her prettier, perkier, peskier sister Jessica (darn, I forgot to add "much blonder too" to the short-list there...!) - but beating the tar out of the (un)fair competition as well!
Heck, she's truly surpassing her big sis now: she's just gotten married while big sis Jess is divorced, very much single and looking. Still looking. Looking desperately - if not desperate?
Ashlee - like a phoenix reborn out of its ashes(-lee?)
Laudable, but still...
2 commentaires:
last few days our group held a similar discussion on this topic and you illustrate something we have not covered yet, thanks.
- Laura
Your group is a very astute collective, surely - perceptive, observant!
Good for you guys!
Thanks for dropping by!
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